
The Silver Screen
Covering the past, present, and future of motion pictures, this blog is a record of one film-buff's viewing experiences, opinions, and recommendations...
Sunday, March 07, 2004
The Passion of the Christ
Mel Gibson's Passion has sparked controversy in so many ways...

Some say the film is anti-Semetic. If this is true, then you have to say the Gospels are anti-Semetic as well, since Gibson's story of Jesus follows them very close.

Some say the film is overly violent. Being raised Catholic; this complaint makes little sense to me. Catholics have always meditated on how Jesus suffered, so Gibson's portrayal was about as horrific as I have always imagined the crucifixion to be.

((~~ An interesting side note that you Catholics out there might have picked up on... Did it seem to you like the film paused at points mirroring the Stations of the Cross? It did to me...))

Some say that it is flawed for focusing only on Jesus death. Hello??? It is called "The *PASSION* of the Christ." Focusing on the passion alone is the singular point of the film.

Some say that it is a bad film in general. I disagree. I feel that Mel Gibson has created a brilliant and moving piece that easily ranks as one of the greatest religious films of all time.

RATING: R (see the film for yourself and form your own opinion)

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