
The Silver Screen
Covering the past, present, and future of motion pictures, this blog is a record of one film-buff's viewing experiences, opinions, and recommendations...
Monday, June 14, 2004
What The #$&! Do We Know!?
What do you get you mix cutting edge quantum physics with spirituality? Bio-chemistry with philosophy? Do we really 'see' what we see? Are we addicts to our own emotions? What is happening in your brain? What can science tell us about God? What the #$&! do we know!?

This Portland-based indie film/documentary tackles so many topics it is nearly overwhelming, but it grabs your interest so completely that you barely realize that you are drowning in new ideas until there is no turning back. It features a loose backstory and mixes in special FX and interviews with some 'experts' in physics, medicine, biology, and spirituality to attempt to complete a more complete modern view of the universe and ourselves.

I am truly delighted to see a film like this made, because I feel too often modern people look at science and philosphy or spirituality as two very seperate and conflicting entities when in fact, they can be considered in a complimentary status.

Ultimately, the film's biggest failing is that it is overly 'New Agey' and tends to be seriously preachy. I'm not sure I'm quite ready to believe that happy thoughts form pretty water crytals, thank you very much, but the ideas that we become addicted to our emotions and we subconciously create situations to fulfill them holds significantly more merit.

You may not agree with everything (I didn't), you may not believe everything (I cetainly didn't), but you will certainly be left with enough food for thought to have a feast, plus leftovers for days...


Edited - 06/14/2004 - 9:20PM

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